Booking and Fees

In-Person or
Online Fees

Phone Consultation (15 mins): Free

Individual Session (50 mins): $160+GST

Extended Session Couples/Individuals (75 mins): $230+GST

Extended Session Couples Only (90 mins): $255+GST

Payment and Extended Benefits

As a Registered Clinical Counsellor, I am covered by most extended health benefit plans. At this time, I accept credit card and e-transfer payments. You are provided with a receipt after each session. You can submit your receipt for benefits reimbursement. Generally, I encourage my clients to confirm Clinical Counselling coverage with their provider, prior to booking. Presently, I do not offer direct billing to insurance providers.

Additionally, I do offer Third Party direct billing through the providers below. This coverage is available for both in-person and online sessions.

Cancellation Policy

Wholehearted Wellness Counselling requires a minimum 48-hour notice if you need to cancel as well as reschedule your in-person or online sessions. Therefore, cancelling or rescheduling within the 48hr timeframe, results in the full session fee. This is simply because another client may have been able to book your appointment time. You can cancel or rebook your in-person or online sessions by emailing me, as well as by replying to the original booking confirmation you received. If you cancel or reschedule during that period (within less than 48-hours), you will be asked to pay for the cancelled session, before booking the next one. Thank you for your understanding.

Third Party Direct Billing Coverage

Metis Nation British Columbia (MNBC)


Salvation Army



Medavie Blue Cross

Autism Funding


Our address is 8661 201 Street, Langley.

We are located in the Regus building just off 200 Street in Langley. Please park in our Customer Parking Lot which is between the Starbucks and Regus buildings.

Enter the building from the front (adjacent to customer parking) main double doors and take the elevator to the 2nd floor. You will come out at main reception but do not need to check in. You’re welcome to make yourself comfortable in our seating area and Ashleigh will come get you at the start of your appointment time.

If your appointment is outside of the 9-5pm business hours, please call up using the director outside the front double doors. The elevator should then take you to the 2nd floor. If the elevator does not move, please call Ashleigh (226-909-2936) to meet you on the main floor lobby.


If you have experienced a crime or a sexual assault, you can apply to the BC Crime Victim Assistance Program. CVAP helps victims and immediate family members deal with the negative effects of violent crime. CVAP covers $135 of your session!

You can find information for victims, here. The application form for victims, is here.

You can find information for family members of victims, here. The application form for family members of victims, is here.

Finally, if you have witnessed a witnessed a crime, you can learn about support here. And, apply for support, here.


If you have been in an accident and have an open claim with ICBC you may be eligible for ICBC counselling coverage. If it has been less than 12 weeks since your accident, please provide us with your accident date, birth date and ICBC claim #. (Your adjuster’s name is helpful, too!)

If your accident took place more than 12 weeks ago, we will ask you to provide a referral note from your doctor indicating a need for counselling support.

ICBC covers $135+ GST. Clients are asked for a co-pay (top up) amount to cover the remaining fee. Typically, clients receive 12 initial sessions.


I offer in-person and online appointments.  To book online, please visit my booking site or contact me for booking support!

Tuesday: 9am – 3pm
Wednesday: 8am – 2pm
Thursday: 7am – 1pm
Friday: 8am – 2pm

Book a Session

Book your session or free 15-minute consult today!


Should I book a 15min phone consultation before a first session?

This is completely up to you. Research shows that the connection between the client and therapist accounts for quite a bit positive change. If you’ve never been to counselling, or you have been before but perhaps it wasn’t a great fit, this is a really safe way to decide how you feel, as we connect.

What can I expect at the first session?

The first session might feel a bit overwhelming. My goal is to help you feel safe, calm and heard. I do this by moving slowly and starting to get to know you and your story.

What is a trauma informed approach?

I welcome clients from all backgrounds. It’s possible that what has happened to you, what’s framed some of how you experience your relationships with others and yourself, can feel overwhelming. Traumas are events (big and small) that leave you feeling alone. Traumas can be big (such as an earthquake) or smaller such as a childhood divorce or bullying. Both types of traumas are important to process, to allow you to fully heal.

Is counselling confidential?
  • Yes, absolutely. Confidentiality is part of how you can feel safe to share as much as you are comfortable, about your experiences.
  • It is important to know that your safety is of high importance. So, the limits of confidentiality include a very real concern about harm to yourself or another person; a vulnerability individual (child, youth or senior) is at risk of harm; if a court subpoenas clinical notes.
What is your cancellation policy?

48hrs notice is required for all cancellations, as well as appointment rescheduling. You are welcome to reschedule your appointment through your Jane profile or by emailing me.

Do you direct bill?
  • Unfortunately, Registered Clinical Counsellors (RCCs) cannot currently direct bill extended health providers. When you pay (either by credit card online or e-transfer), you are immediately sent a receipt which you can submit to your provider.
  • I do currently direct bill a select few third-party providers.

Booking and Fees

Do you provide in-person and online counselling?
  • Yes, I do offer both at select time blocks. Please see refer to the Jane booking page.
  • When you book an online appointment, you can prepare for your appointment by ensuring you’re in a quiet and private space without distraction. You might want a glass of water or mug of tea. The Chrome browser best supports the Jane App, so you will want to download this browser if you haven’t yet. Please also check your mic and camera!
How often should I attend counselling?

This is a very personal question based on several factors. These include what you’re coming to counselling for, as well as your resources like time and the cost of counselling. Typically, I suggest every two weeks to start. This is a great question for your consult or first session.

Therapist Rental Opportunity

You are a therapist looking for a rental opportunity in the Langley (Walnut Grove) area. This warm, cozy and beautifully decorated office is available for part-time rent, up to 7 days/week. Conveniently located @ 8661 201 Street, just off Hwy 1. Office is wheelchair accessible, includes free parking & reception. Space comfortably seats 2-3 people.

Contact Ashleigh:

Wholehearted Wellness Counselling Office. Therapist Rental OpportunityWholehearted Wellness Counselling Office. Therapist Rental OpportunityWholehearted Wellness Counselling Office. Therapist Rental Opportunity