Staying Bright in Darker Months
The winter is no joke! The sun literally rises and sets within a shorter window through the winter months than the rest of the year. The days are cold, dark, often wet. If they’re bright, [...]
The winter is no joke! The sun literally rises and sets within a shorter window through the winter months than the rest of the year. The days are cold, dark, often wet. If they’re bright, [...]
You might have heard the word mindfulness being thrown around. In some ways it seems like a bit of a buzzword, similar to self-care. What actually is mindfulness, though? Does it do anything? Is [...]
Now that we’re into late Fall, the leaves are falling and the days are shorter you might notice your mood (or your partner’s!) is a little lower. Or, maybe you’re noticing you [...]
You have probably noticed the weather changing as Fall has quickly come. The darker mornings and evenings are all part of this shift, but it’s still hard to feel like more of your day is [...]
It’s Fall! The season is upon us all. You might love it with all of it’s Pumpkin Spice Lattes and sweaters, or you may be missing iced drinks, garden flowers and Birkenstocks. If you [...]
It’s hard to believe the months of summer are slowly ending, with the shortening of days. The sun rises later and sets a little earlier. I love this gradual shift, as I notice in myself, a [...]
It’s a little ironic isn’t it? You might look forward to summer all year long and now that it’s here, you’re noticing you feel a little “off”. You notice how [...]
It’s June! You’ve nearly made it to actual, sunny, warm summer. If you have kids, you might be be counting down the seconds until school lets out and you don’t have to think [...]
You might notice that you can go for days or weeks feeling little to no emotion. Perhaps you distract yourself. You brush emotion under the rug. It’s possible you minimize it. You might [...]
You have likely heard of various types of traumas or traumatic experiences. There are many, and each is important. Each affects humans deeply. One newer or not-as-spoken-about experience is that [...]
You might reflect and notice that you’ve experienced anxiety for as long as you can remember. You can notice it in your chest – perhaps it feels heavy. Maybe for you, anxiety is [...]
You might have noticed this in yourself alone, in counselling, or maybe with a friend/partner: In moments where you have a lot to share, it all comes flooding out. Fast. Sometimes you might [...]
You’ve noticed that your anxiety is on the rise. Maybe your thoughts are spinning more than usual. Or, your heart seems to skip a beat – or race – out of nowhere. Perhaps [...]
Whether you call it a discussion, debate, heated conversation or an argument, it’s very likely you’ve had hard conversations with your partner. Dealing with conflict in your [...]
You might be looking for counselling for you and your partner. Maybe you’ve heard of a few different approaches to couples counselling but the words the Gottman Method keeps coming up. By [...]
I find it pretty fascinating that your earliest days, weeks and months play a role through the rest of your life when it comes to relationships! The quality and the type of your early childhood [...]
Clients often come to counselling wondering how to heal from shame, unhealthy relationships, anxiety, depression, or they want to better understand boundaries and values. These experiences can [...]
Perhaps you’ve heard the word, but you have wondered for awhile now, what is mindfulness? Does it really help people like me who are struggling with a past trauma?…or maybe anxiety, [...]
Have you ever noticed that you don’t like being alone? The thought being alone or complete quiet time is overwhelming and you’ll do anything you can to avoid it. You’re [...]
Typically, or maybe more historically, counselling has been looked at as this space to process hard things. You heard that a friend booked an appointment with their counsellor because they have [...]
You’ve noticed recently, that it doesn’t take much to suddenly be arguing with your partner. You didn’t intend to say the wrong thing, but somehow you said or did something and [...]
When you book your first counselling appointment, you might be doing it proactively or as a result of some difficult or even traumatic experiences. Knowing what you can expect from your first [...]
You notice you’re struggling to say ‘no’ when friends, family members, co-workers, your partner or even when your kids need something. You wonder, how should boundaries leave you feeling? Should [...]
You might notice that at times, in particular with your partner, you just don’t seem to connect well. You wonder whether your attachment styles can really affect your relationship. [...]
You’ve probably heard the word(s) trauma or traumatic experience. Perhaps you’ve noticed hearing or seeing the words more in recent years. A decade or two ago, the word trauma was [...]
Starting counselling can feel overwhelming. Even the thought of just meeting a new counsellor, might be enough to have you considering not reaching out. It’s hard to know whether you will [...]
Anxiety is such an interesting and incredibly uncomfortable emotion. (That might feel like such an understatement!) It’s interesting because at times it can seem to come out of nowhere. [...]
You might find yourself wondering whether you should start counselling now, or wait awhile. Maybe you’ve noticed a few moments recently, when your anxiety has been high. Or, where [...]
You’ve worked for months or maybe years, to calm those shaky hands, your racing mind or occasionally that sweaty forehead. You’ve wondered if you’re a little crazy or if this [...]
You might notice that at times, in particular with your partner, you just don’t seem to connect well. Arguments that started out of nowhere, leave you feeling like you’re [...]
You’ve always thought of yourself as an introvert: a person who recharges alone, in the quiet. It could be that you spend more time alone than many of your friends. It feels calm, quiet, [...]
The idea of boundaries is fantastic. You think you’d feel so much more peaceful if you could create some boundaries (and you’re right!). But, you know they will take work and some [...]
You’ve heard the word boundaries in the past. You want to improve your relationship and creating boundaries seems like a helpful tool! But the thought of how to create them and whether they [...]