Should You Keep Going to Counselling in The Summer

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It’s June! You’ve nearly made it to actual, sunny, warm summer. If you have kids, you might be be counting down the seconds until school lets out and you don’t have to think about packing lunches and setting the alarm. Alternatively, you might be holding onto every moment, knowing where your kids are and what they are doing. There are so many varying perspectives and each one is valid! If you don’t have school aged kids, you might notice your workplace changes a lot with the ebb and flow of people each week. Maybe you enjoy the quieter moments, or you might also find that the inconsistency of work schedules is frustrating and making getting your job done, frustrating!

One thing is for sure, routine is about to change a little bit at least…and you are wondering how to prioritize the things that are important to you. Part of you might want to get as much done as you can during the longer, warmer days when it might be quieter (at work or at home). And, another part of you might feel like rest is what you need to do. You feel torn.

On this note, you might wonder what routines or rhythms should you keep and which can you release for this season?

Should you keep your massage and chiropractor or physiotherapy appointments? What about that semi-annual dentist appointment. Who wants to go to the dentist in the summer?! And what about those appointments that may seem more optional: like, should you keep going to counselling in the summer?!

Besides the kids (if you have them) being home throwing your routine, there are other reasons you might want to slow it down. You might think that you want to just enjoy the sun, hiking adventures, bike rides and making the most of the heat. Spending time in a counselling session perhaps may not seem ideal.

Yet, sometimes when you’re in a place of rest, your nervous system can do it’s best work.

You can think differently when you feel a bit more rested or you have more space. When you feel like your head is well above water (so-to-speak), you might be more open to learning about yourself or others. Perhaps your relationships take on new meaning or you experience them in a new light. All these things are possible during the regular hum of the year, but you might appreciate them in a new light when life slows down.

Should you attend counselling in summer

That said, maybe it feels better to extend the time between your appointments. This way, you can continue to connect with your counsellor (and yourself) but not feel like there’s too much structure to your days or weeks. Some clients appreciate this “check in” of sorts.

If you do have kids, one more appointment might feel like a bit of a break. You get space away to spend on your mental and emotional well-being and this is glorious! You are reminded both implicitly and explicitly of the importance of your wellness. It takes intentionality to set aside this time (whether for in-person or online/virtual appts), but it is always worth it. You might notice you approach your kids or family differently, when you’ve had this time to invest in yourself. And, for your kids it models the importance of self-care.

And of course, it is always possible that your summer is very full and you feel that stepping out of this rhythm is the best for you right now. You know that you might feel more stress with structure (or appointments) and you need to give yourself fully to your summer months. All of these choices are so personal and each person has to make the one that works best for them. Your decision is the one that helps, heals and restores your wellness.

The question of should you keep going to counselling in the summer, is a deeply personal one!

If you’re unsure of what to do, maybe talking with your counsellor about it might be helpful. Together, you can decide how to move forward. This collaborative effort can be supportive because you’ll know you’ve made it with someone who has your best interests at heart. And, if you’d like to begin your counselling journey, I invite you to reach out. Doing this in the summer months can be a lovely way to prepare yourself for the Fall!

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